Boolileo Brand Identity & App UI Design Development

Boolileo is a mobile trading platform, where complete trading strategies can be implemented into your account seamlessly. We call these strategies 'scenarios'. they are built around recent global economic events or news, individually, case by case. Our quantamental research team combines quantitative and qualitative re search, insuring that each scenario is well-timed, relevant, and optimized for its purpose.
It's like having a great hedgefund team that suggests new trading opportunities to you regularly, instead of just putt ing your money in an intransparent blackbox fund.
All you have to do is turn the mobile app and follow the buy and sell signals of a particular scenario you like. The rest of the work - crunching the data, researching, choosing the timing, selecting the right ETFs, constructing portfolios, order managing, monitoring the market for a rebalancing opportunity, cutting losses.. all that stuff is on us. Not only is it easier to implement a trade with Boolileo, but the odds are we would deliver more profits for each risk you take.

After managing more than 3,000 customers' accounts with our simplified roboadvisor service, the Boolio team was confused why it seemed almost impossible to stop people from gambling around global news. We felt a rule-based, long term system was almost always a better solution, but people's instincts went the other way - when you gather new information, you are compelled to believe a new window of investment opportunity opened.
This is often true. But the problem lies in the execution, the implementation. As a team of highly trained proprietary and algorithm traders, we felt designing trading strategies that can capture opportunities in a smart, balanced way is really hard. Well, almost impossible for normal people.

It is a well-documented fact that most people fail to trade properly. Investors almost always either leave too much profit on the table, or cannot manage risk, or tries to time the market in the most dangerous ways.
That's when we realized, nobody was giving turnkey solutions for all the implementation needed. Well-known products like ETFs were too simple - in turn, people have to consider all the number of cases of scenarios, weights, timing, reaction, risk management and so on by themselves. It was meant to be a part of the solution, not the solution. We thought - that's what professional quantitative traders should help.
The logo type 'lil' is expressed in a chart of upwards. The bars ‘l’ on the left and right with ‘i’ in the middle represent quantitative analysis and fundamentals, respectively, and the ‘I’ between the bars represent customers who benefit from the boolileo fundamental system. 
Although it is made in lower case, it looks sturdy through the type based on the geometric figure.
Boolileo Brand Identity & App UI Design Concept Development

Client: doomoolmori

Verbal Identity & Story Dev.
Director: Hyeongwoo Jeong
Identity Planning & Storytelling: Hyeongwoo Jeong, Julius Chun

Visual Identity & Application Design Dev.
Art Direction: Andrew Son
Design: Andrew Son

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