King Kong Curry Brand Identity & Packaging Development
King Kong Curry is a meal kit brand of Japanese curry restaurant Korewa Curry. The client wanted a new brand with a simple and sophisticated feel, breaking away from the old feeling of Korewa Curry. The main consumer groups are young children and young people in their 20s and 30s. So we designed it with a trendy concept that can appeal to consumers well.

In order to present the image of Japanese curry to customers, we designed the word mark by transforming Hangul into katakana.

The symbol is designed with a trendy and fun type of illustration that can appeal to young consumers. The word mark is designed in a bold style that is often used in Japan to give a Japanese curry feel.


King Kong Curry Brand Identity & Packaging Development

Client: Korewa Curry

Verbal Identity & Story Dev.
Director: Benjamin Jang, Andrew Son
Identity Planning & Storytelling: Benjamin Jang, Andrew Son

Visual Identity & Application Design Dev.
Art Direction: Andrew Son
Design: Andrew Son

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